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The applicable standards for roof anchorage systems include, but are not limited to, the following:

This section requires employers to provide protection for each employee exposed to fall and falling object hazards. Unless stated otherwise, the employer must ensure that all fall protection and falling object protection required by this section meet the criteria in § 1910.29, except that personal fall protection systems required by this section meet the criteria of § 1910.140.

ASME A120 Excerpts: All loads and structural attachments to the building shall be approved by a registered architect or a registered professional engineer. 2.1.1 Installation Owner. When the equipment is to be continuously used at a specific location, the registered professional engineer for the building shall provide to the owner of each installation the following materials constituting the installation design record: (a) architectural and structural drawings of those portions of the building contacted by the equipment or supporting the equipment (b) engineering drawings of the equipment anchorages and their means of attachment or support (c) calculations or test reports to verify compliance of the design with this Standard (d) a certification by a registered professional engineer that the equipment has been initially installed in compliance with this Standard and that the equipment is compatible with the building. INSPECTIONS, TESTS, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE 5.1 Inspections and Tests 5.1.1 Performance Tests. Before an installation is initially used, the equipment shall be successfully tested by its manufacturer/supplier with the rated load through the complete range of operation on all drops and be so certified in writing. The result of the demonstration shall be signed by the inspection personnel and filed with the building owner. NOTE: It is the intent of this clause that the complete installation be tested. If a platform or other component has not been provided, suitable temporary components shall be utilized for the test. A performance test shall be conducted following any alteration to the installation and shall include, at a minimum, any components affected by an alteration. 5.1.2 Periodic Inspections and Testing (a) To determine that they are in safe operating condition, all parts of the equipment, including control systems, shall be inspected by a qualified person and, where necessary, tested by a qualified person, at intervals not exceeding 12 months. (b) Parts subject to wear, such as wire ropes, bearings, gears, and governors, shall be inspected or tested to determine that they have not worn to such an extent as to affect the safe operation of the installation. (c) When selected for post installation testing, suspension or supporting devices as specified in para. 3.2.6 shall be load tested at not more than twice their rated load ±5%. (d) Aluminum davits or outriggers shall be load tested to twice their rated load ±5% after 10 yr of service or more frequently if there is evidence of damage or corrosion. (e) When selected for post installation testing, lifeline anchorages shall be load tested at 2,500 lb (1 134 kg) ±5%. ASME A120.1-2021 (f) All load tests shall be performed under the direction of a registered professional engineer experienced in the design and use of such equipment. (g) The professional engineer shall provide to the building owner a sealed written record of the test listing component identification, test parameters, loads, date of test, signature of the qualified person performing the tests, and the results of each test. (h) Suspension or supporting devices shall be evaluated, tested, and certified at periods not to exceed 10 yr. (i) Any component or device damaged as a result of the above testing shall not be returned to service, unless it has been evaluated, repaired, or replaced; retested if required; and certified by a registered professional engineer RE: Adhesive anchors: Installation Documentation. When adhesive anchors are used: (a) a training record signed by the installers and by the trainer shall be provided to the building owner, and shall state that the installers were trained in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions for installation. A copy of the published instructions for installation shall be attached. (b) a certification record by an independent inspector stating that the adhesive anchors were installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions for installation shall be provided to the owner. The inspector's credentials listing training and experience shall be attached. Inspections, Tests, Operation, and Maintenance. The adhesive anchors shall be tested in general accordance with ASTM E488-03, Standard Test Method for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry, and at a proof load of not less than 55% of their rated ultimate capacity nor more than 65% of their rated ultimate capacity. Initial Tests for Adhesive Anchors (a) All adhesive anchors shall be tested for the integrity of the installed anchor in the field prior to use. (b) The initial installation tests shall be performed by trained, experienced persons who are independent from the installer. (c) The test testing procedure and the results of the test shall be certified by a registered professional engineer. The test shall be to ensure anchor integrity and shall not be tests for shock, energy, or other lifeline loads. Maintenance Inspections and Tests (a) All adhesive anchor assemblies shall be tested in the field at intervals not to exceed 5 years. (b) The testing procedure and results of the test shall be certified by a registered professional engineer. The test shall be to ensure anchor integrity and shall not be tests for shock, energy, or other lifeline loads.

9.1.9 Anchorage shall be inspected annually by a qualified person. Anchorages shall be re-certified when re-roofing or renovating (pertinent to the window cleaning system) or at periods not to exceed 10 years. The report of this inspection shall be included in the building's log book. If during the anchorage's inspection an area of suspicion is identified, a test procedure, if necessary, shall be performed under the approval of a registered professional engineer. 9.1.10 Certification and re-certification of anchorages shall be under the supervision of a registered professional engineer.

WAC 296-870, Powered Platforms Excerpt: Building owner certifications You must obtain written certification from the building owner of any building with a powered platform installation that was completed or had major modification done after July 23, 1990, that the building and equipment meets the requirements of new installations-buildings, chapter 296- 880 WAC, Unified safety standards for fall protection. Note: The building owner needs to base the certification on: 1. The field test of the installation done before it is first placed into service or following any major modification to an existing installation; and 2. All other relevant available information, including but not limited to: a. Test data; b. Equipment specifications; c. Verification by a registered professional engineer. You must obtain written certification from the building owner that the installation: (1) Has been inspected, tested, and maintained as required by inspection, testing, and maintenance, WAC 296-870-300 of this chapter; and (2) All fall protection anchorages meet the requirements of Appendix C -- Personal fall arrest system, WAC 296-24-88050, found in the General safety and health standards, Chapter 296-24 WAC

WAC 296-878, Window Cleaning Standards Excerpt: Select appropriate rope descent systems. (1) You must make sure the rope descent system is designed, used, and maintained according to: (a) ANSI/IWCA 1-14.1-2001; (b) The manufacturer's instructions. (2) You must make sure the rope descent system has been manufactured and is intended to be used for window cleaning.

OSHA 1910.27 Walking and Working Surfaces Standard Excerpt: 1910.27(b) Rope descent systems- 1910.27(b)(1) Anchorages. 1910.27(b)(1)(i) Before any rope descent system is used, the building owner must inform the employer, in writing that the building owner has identified, tested, certified, and maintained each anchorage so it is capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (2,268 kg), in any direction, for each employee attached. The information must be based on an annual inspection by a qualified person and certification of each anchorage by a qualified person, as necessary, and at least every 10 years. 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) The employer must ensure that no employee uses any anchorage before the employer has obtained written information from the building owner that each anchorage meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section. The employer must keep the information for the duration of the job.

OSHA 1910.66 Powered platforms Excerpt: 1910.66(c)(2) Building owners shall base the information required in paragraph (c)(1) of this section on the results of a field test of the installation before being placed into service and following any major alteration to an existing installation, as required in paragraph (g)(1) of this section. The assurance shall also be based on all other relevant available information, including, but not limited to, test data, equipment specifications and verification by a registered professional engineer. 1910.66(c)(3) Building owners of all installations, new and existing, shall inform the employer in writing that the installation has been inspected, tested, and maintained in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section and that all anchorages meet the requirements of § 1910.140(c)(13).


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